Your presence on the sim is taken as your agreement to abide by the following rules, so it is in your best interest to read them:



    Basic Sim Rules for your pleasure.


    1) We do have a legal system in Noddfa. This means that violations of Merchant law and Basic village law will be deblt with by the council. if they are not about. The Head man may rule to move your case along.
    2) Rape, Theft and Murder are frowned upon. But gor is a rough place. If these incidents happen Inform the red leader with evidence. No evidence nothing will be done. At this current time thats Harry Horchester is the head of the reds of Noddfa.
    If Harry isnt about please see Treus Axe of the Torvie men.
    3) Ridable Beasts On Noddfa main land is not permitted. However In the wild land next to Noddfa. Its is ok. So long as its not used for personal combat or raid combat. Do not fly it over or ride it through the Village or panther camp.
    4) Roles are earned through actions in Noddfa. Just because we know you or your a friend of John Doe. or Jane Doe was your ex lovers mothers brothers fiance. Don't mean you get Title or council.. You work by being here rping the citizens and earn the role,
    5) Free women in Noddfa are treated like free women in the north. They have opinions. Options. A right to say NO. A right to own Business and make coin like men.They can defend them selves against any attacker. They do not however sit on the council at this time.
    That may change who knows. But for now it is the way of Noddfa.
    6) Home stone. Noddfa has one. No one is made to swear to it unless they want.
    7) Rentals are a privilege not a right. If you rent a home here. Be here. if you plan to just come on occasionally. use the Inn and Long Hall. leave housing for those who will rp here daily.
    8) This is a common sense sim. If its not gorean its not welcome. If it is gorean show the book quotes.
    9) Slaves are trained to defend them selves. and Bandage and Bind in a raid. Saves may be punished by any free for disrespect. No if shes got a broken arm. Im not giving you silver. Medical care here is free. But if i break her arm. Ill give ya some copper for the inconvenience.
    Now if you want to seel a slave. Sure see the slaver. but unless shes a special breed slave. shes not worth ya 10 silver you want. We will make a reasonable copper offer, and this village is small and paying to much dosen't make sense. Noddfa prides it self in keeping realistic this means your hair clothing and accessory's
    10) The NPC guards at the gate disarm all ranged weapons when entering Noddfa. any one caught not of the village with a bow will be arrested and sent to the mines.
    11) Panthers entering the village must be hidden under free women clothing. If you come in in Panther clothing and weapons. you will be collared and enslaved.
    12) Baths are a safe collar free place. Women wear a thin sheer bathing gown. So long as your not acting like a slave you will be fine. Slave like behavior will result in a collar. Men remember this. Noddfa is a bit farther north then most are used too. Bath tubs in homes will freeze this winter. so we built an awesome
    underground bath thats naturally heated. So don't doop women into slave behavior show some honor. (swim hud needed)
    13) OOC events are just that. OOC and IC events are IC. Remember Mods will not, Admins will not, and Owners will not engage in IC issues. if its IC. Keep it IC. If some thing happens you dont like IC. talk to the person your Rping with. Now OOC is a different matter and Mods , admins, and owners will handle these situations on a case by case basis.
    If you don't like the outcome understand. we have a log in our discord that we puit every thing in. We are a team and have no secrets. so if one says its Not legal we all know its not legal.
    14) Dress code. We are very laxed on dress code in Noddfa. Free women do not need vails. We respect your cultures enough to allow pants and short sleevs on women when working. However there are some things that Noddfa sim and staff do not feel Fall under the Guide of Gorean BTB aspects. bright color Hair. Heavy Make Up on slaves. Un gorean attire. (IE BDSM Clothes, Earth Clothes, Fairy clothes ETC. even in your home its still Gor.) Children Avi skins of any kind will be asked to change and if refused asked to leave. If sim staff sees it you may be asked to change it if it dosent fall under Gorean basic understandings. No animal traits beyond sharpened nails and fangs of Mamba people. This includes none of the following: Scales, gills, stone skins, cat ears, claws, so forth.